Details regarding visa extension procedures and required documents are subject to change; please contact the immigration office at 1345 for the most up-to-date information.
The immigration office accepts applications for visa extensions from four months before the expiration date. Students who fail to apply for an extension in time may be subject to fines.
“e-Application” system provided at allows students to have their visas extended at reduced fees as well as expedites processing.
▶ Click HERE to download e-Application Guide
Required Documents
Required Documents for All Students
1. Application form (click HERE to download)
2. Passport
3. Residence card (former ARC)
4. Proof of residence (click HERE to download list of examples)
5. Proof of financial capacity (e.g. a bank balance certificate issued under student’s own name at a bank in Korea with a minimum balance of 10 million KRW, certificate of scholarship, etc.)
- Note: Students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, as well as a GPA of 2.0 or higher in the previous semester, who are enrolled in their regular semesters are exempt. However, students who have completed their coursework or are taking an extra semester are not exempt.
6. Certificate of enrolment (
7. Academic transcripts (
8. Application fee (60,000 KRW – cash only, GKS students are exempt)
Additional Documents: graduate school students who have completed coursework
9. Certificate of course completion (
10. Confirmation form for faculty advisor on a student's thesis, graduation test, credit schedule (click HERE to download)
Additional Documents: undergraduate students taking an extra semester
Additional Documents: nationals of one of the 35 countries listed below
13. Tuberculosis test certificate (If one was submitted during your visa application, there is no need to submit another for an extension.)
* Nepal, East Timor, Laos, Russia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, India, Indonesia, China, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Pakistan, Philippines, Nigeria, South Africa, Belarus, Mozambique, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Angola, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, Congo, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan, Peru
※ You may need to provide additional documents depending on your circumstances; please contact the immigration office at 1345 for more information.
Maximum Period of Stay
1. Bachelor’s: up to 6 years from the date of admission
2. Master’s: up to 5 years from the date of admission
3. Doctoral: up to 7 years from the date of admission