2024-09-05 , 7956 Views

[Spring 2025] Admissions for International Applicants: OPEN

[2025 전기 외국인특별전형]

1. 원서접수 기간: 2024. 9. 5.() 13:00 ~ 10. 10.() 17:00


2. 원서접수 하러가기 : 아래 버튼을 클릭하여 지원하세요.


3. 문의: isadmit@ewha.ac.kr

공휴일 문의 불가 안내

- 9.16.()~9.18() : 추석

-  10.1.(), 10.3(), 10.9() : 공휴일

   해당기간 동안 전화, 이메일 등 모든 문의에 대한 응대가 불가하오니, 양해하여 주시기 바랍니다(원서접수는 가능합니다)


[Spring 2025] Admissions for International Applicants

1. Application Period: Thursday, September 5, 2024 13:00 ~ Thursday, October 10, 2024 17:00


2. Click below to apply


3. Enquiries: isadmit@ewha.ac.kr

Unavailable for inquries on Korean public holidays

- Monday, September 16 ~ Wednesday, September 18 : Chuseok holidays

Tuesday, October 1 : Public holiday

- Thursday, October 3 : Public holiday

Wednesday, October 9 : Public holiday


  During this period, you can apply online application but we will be unable to respond to any inquiries via phone, email, or other means. 

  We appreciate your understanding. 

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