2024-01-08 , 450 Views

[선정작 발표] 유학생활 영상 콘테스트「I • EWHA」 / [Announcement of Winners] International Student Video Contest「I • EWHA」


유학생 여러분들의 많은 관심에 감사드립니다.

선정작을 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.



  - The Ewha Life (Zayed, Sima R J)

  - My Favorite Place to Study in Ewha - Central Library (Niramitsiripong, Waralee)


  - Vanlarat, Rathida 14

  수상자에게는 개별 연락 예정


수상을 축하드립니다.




Thank you very much for the great interest from international students.

We are pleased to announce the selected works as follows:


Grand Prize:

  - The Ewha Life (Zayed, Sima R J)

  - My Favorite Place to Study in Ewha - Central Library (Niramitsiripong, Waralee)

• Excellence Prize:

  - Vanlarat, Rathida, and 14 others

Winners will be contacted individually.


Congratulations to all the winners! 

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