2023-11-24 , 261 Views

[ROCK] 유학생들을 위한 International Students’ Night



ROCKs is a small student group selected for the Ewha Womans University DnA project. (We have a faculty advisor!)

On August and September, we successfully hosted two events with several international students on the theme of “A to Z of school life” and “Enjoying Chuseok in Korea”. Please check our instagram for detailed reviews!

We are more than excited to announce that on November 28th, we’ll be hosting an International Students’ Night! We will have two presenters who are both international students who graduated from Ewha give a speech about tips on adjusting to school life, how to expand your career starting from Ewha to getting degrees or a job, and overall advice about life in Korea as a foreigner! There will also be a Q/A panel talk where you can ask your own questions to the speakers, and be able to network with not only the presenters, but also among yourselves.

If you had trouble deciding what you want to do in the future, had a hard time adjusting to life in South Korea, or wanted to get advice from older international students, now is the chance to get rid of your worries! 
Please refer to our poster for the details!